Completing a doctorate is a monumental achievement, and as someone who has just crossed that finish line, I can tell you firsthand that the road to this moment was anything but smooth. It was filled with challenges, setbacks, and even moments where I had to start from scratch. For those who know me well, this was a lifelong goal—a dream I relentlessly pursued despite the obstacles. Before my first bottle was even popped and the submit button on my dissertation was pressed, a question I heard multiple times, "What's Next?"
It's a natural curiosity, especially in our fast-paced world where moving on to the next big thing is often expected. But as I pondered this question, I found myself at a crossroads.
The Pressure of "What's Next?"
Have you ever found yourself constantly bombarded with questions about your next move? Imagine this scenario. You just got married, and people start asking when you're going to have kids. You finally have that adorable baby, and suddenly, the question shifts to, "When are you having another?"
It seems like the world operates on a never-ending loop of "What's Next?" But why do we have such a hard time sitting still and doing nothing?
Oprah's Wisdom on Pausing
A week after submitting my dissertation, I happened to catch Oprah on the Today Show. She was discussing her one regret, which she shared poignantly. She said that after finishing her iconic show, she wished she had taken the time to do nothing. "When you don't know what to do, do nothing," she advised. This simple yet profound statement resonated deeply with me.
Why is it so Hard to Do Nothing?
In a society that glorifies constant productivity and perpetual motion, the idea of doing nothing can feel almost rebellious. However, pausing to reflect and recharge is not just beneficial; it's essential for our well-being and future success. From an early age, we're taught to define ourselves by what we achieve and what's coming up next in our lives. This constant pressure can feel overwhelming, leaving little room for just "being."
However, you're not alone in feeling this way. Many of us grapple with the same issue. The relentless drive to keep moving forward can sometimes lead to burnout and stress. But what if I told you that mastering the art of doing nothing could be your next great achievement?
Taking a break allows your mind and emotions to recover, providing the necessary space to process everything you've been through. Doing nothing doesn’t mean you’re lazy or unproductive. On the contrary, taking time to relax and recharge can make you more effective in the long run. Here’s how you can master the art of doing nothing:
Mental Health:
Taking breaks and allowing yourself to do nothing can significantly improve your mental health. It reduces stress and anxiety levels, giving your mind the much-needed space to relax and rejuvenate.
Creativity Boost:
Periods of rest can also spur creativity. When your mind is not constantly occupied with tasks, it has the freedom to wander and come up with new and innovative ideas.
Physical Recovery:
Constant activity can lead to physical exhaustion. Doing nothing gives your body the chance to heal, recover, and prepare for future challenges.
Reconnect with Passions:
Taking a break provides an opportunity to reconnect with your passions, interests, and loved ones. It’s a chance to rediscover what brings you joy outside of your professional accomplishments.
Thoughtful Planning:
Rushing into the next project or phase of life without adequate reflection can lead to burnout and poor decision-making. By taking the time to pause, you can plan your next steps more thoughtfully and strategically, ensuring that your future endeavors align with your goals and values.
My Pause
Inspired by Oprah's advice, I decided to take a step back and allow myself the freedom to do nothing—at least for a little while. Instead of jumping immediately into the next big thing, I am choosing to bask in the accomplishment of finishing my Doctorate Degree. For the next couple of weeks, I plan to spend time with family and friends, revisit hobbies that I had neglected, and simply enjoy the newfound sense of freedom.
I hope this period of reflection will be rejuvenating and allow me to appreciate the magnitude of what I've achieved and consider my next steps with a clear and focused mind. I can't wait to share how this time of pause helps me on my journey to my next steps. Thank you for joining me on this journey! Keep pausing and reflecting, because sometimes the most productive thing we can do is nothing at all. Happy Pausing!